1. Website Publisher
Company Name: Imagine Lifestyle SAS, trading as Sorara Outdoor Living.
Legal Form: Société par Actions Simplifiée (SAS)
Registered Office: 6 Chemin Des Pennes au Pin, 13170 Les Pennes-Mirabeau, France
Share Capital: 10.000 €
SIREN Number: 932 369 978
SIRET Number: 932 369 978 00014
RCS Registration: Colmar – France
VAT Number: FR 01932369978
Email: contact@sorara.fr
Phone: +33 4 86 37 69 33
2. Publication Director
Name: François Leloutre
Position: CEO
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ODR Platform Link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr
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Sorara Outdoor Living (Imagine Lifestyle SAS) cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of this website. External links provided on the website are for informational purposes only and do not engage the responsibility of Sorara Outdoor Living (Imagine Lifestyle SAS).